Entrepenurial charity
FORTUNE Magazine: A conversation with Warren Buffett - Jun. 25, 2006
The second richest man in the world giving the majority of his money to the richest man in the world? Could sound funny. But this is a truly important movement for the years ahead.
The fact that the people with largest fortunes in the planet decide to leverage their piles of money and management capabilities to try to solve some of the world's biggest issues by any possible means is great. We're talking about AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis. Problems that affect millions all over the globe, and all of them have proven to be too connected with political aspects of governments to be easy to solve. There is always too big a temptation to trade public money donated by other governments for some type of political or economic favour.
For global scale problems like these, the approach of global foundations with great financial leverage and independence can prove to be a good one. One that can avoid the corruption of olygarchies and governments who make bad use of the donated money. In addition, the fact that they are managed with entrepreneurial and managerial styles, will make sure they concentrate on results and not so much on political interchanges.
Entrepreneurial spirit and financial independence applied to charity at global scale...very interesting times.